Monday, January 28, 2013

Clean Teeth and Chocolate

Monday, Jan. 28, 2013--Matagalpa

The lady who owns my small hotel made me a wonderful breakfast this morning.  Even though I have been tired of beans and rice, hers tasted good--the juices of the beans having also flavored the rice.  I had scrambled eggs, beans and rice, salty goat cheese, fried plantains, and coffee.

It was cool by the time morning arrived today.  Here in the mountains, it cools down overnight and then heats up in the daytime.  When I went out, there was a mist in the air although the day was sunny.  I had noticed it yesterday, too.  It's like those misters that cool you down in hot weather at festivals.  Here, however, it is a natural thing.  In the cool of the morning, however, the mist just makes it seem even cooler.  A couple of times, as I read in my book, I had to leave a park bench and go into a church as the mist began and the air just felt too cool.

Sergio, the young man on the bus yesterday, had told me the location of a good dentist here, so this afternoon I went there.  I got my teeth cleaned for only $18.  They showed me that I have two small cavities that also need to be taken care of.  I'll probably go to another dentist in another town in a few days and get that work done.

We have a good wifi signal at the hotel, so I spent part of the afternoon taking advantage of that on both my computer and my telephone.  It was a good time to be in the room, because there came a heavy downpour briefly during that time.

After dark, I went out again and had a special treat for dinner.  I found a street stall selling guirilas con cuajada.  It's a local specialty--a thick sweet corn tortilla served hot on a banana leaf with a chunk of salted goat cheese.  One was filling, and it was so tasty.  Then, on my way back to the hotel, I stopped at the supermarket.  There is a famous chocolate factory near here, and they sell their chocolates at one of the supermarkets.  It's expensive for Nicaragua--about $3.50 for a 180 g bar.  I bought one and brought it back to my room for dessert.  UMMMM.  The brand is El Castillo del Cacao.

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