Monday, July 25, 2005

Itinerary for 2005-2006 Around-the-World Travels

I am leaving San Antonio on Aug. 18 to complete the last half of my current around-the-world ticket. I will arrive in London on Jan. 5 to finish it and will immediately pick up a new ticket at the airport and begin my next around-the-world ticket that same day. I will be back in Texas sometime in the middle of March.

Aug. 18, 2005
San Antonio (SAT) to Denver (DEN) 795 miles
UA 6759 Lv. 12:25 Arr. 13:35 1h10min
Denver (DEN) to San Francisco (SFO) 965 miles
UA 353 Lv. 14:30 Arr. 15:38 2h28min
Time Zone: San Francisco time is 2 hours earlier than Texas time; 9 hours behind Denmark time.
Hotel: I will be staying with Albert (Cort) Cortez, a long-time friend from Corpus Christi.

Aug. 21, 2005 (Arrival on Aug. 22)
San Francisco (SFO) to Seoul (ICN) 5652 Miles
SQ 15 Lv. 14:10 Arr. 18:45 (Aug. 22) 12h36min
Time Zone: Seoul time is 14 hours ahead of Texas time; 7 hours ahead of Denmark time.
Hotel: Jongnowon

Aug. 27, 2005
Seoul (ICN) to Bangkok (BKK) 2274 Miles
OZ 341 Lv. 17:20 Arr. 21:10 5h50min
Time Zone: Bangkok is 12 hours ahead of Texas time; 5 hours ahead of Denmark time.
Hotel: Mandarin

Sept. 2, 2005
Bangkok (BKK) to Yangon (RGN) 362 Miles
TG 305 Lv. 18:00 Arr. 18:45 1h15min
Time Zone: Yangon time is 11 1/2 hours ahead of Texas time; 4 1/2 hours ahead of Denmark time.
Hotel: Queen's Park Hotel

Sept. 25, 2005
Yangon (RGN) to Bangkok (BKK) 362 Miles
TG 304 Lv. 10:05 Arr. 11:45 1h10min
Bangkok (BKK) to Mumbai (BOM) 1871 Miles
TG 317 Lv. 18:00 Arr. 20:55 4h25min
Time Zone: Mumbai time is 10 1/2 hours ahead of Texas time ( 11 1/2 hours ahead after leaving savings time); 3 1/2 hours ahead of Denmark time (4 1/2 hours after leaving savings time).
Hotel: Bentley's Hotel (through Sept. 29)
School Where I Will Be a Volunteer:

Dec. 23, 2005 (Night of Dec. 22!)
Mumbai (BOM) to Frankfurt (FRA) 4085 Miles
LH 757 Lv. 3:25 Arr. 7:40 8h45min
Frankfurt (FRA) to Copenhagen (CPH) 422 Miles
SK 950 Lv. 9:50 Arr. 11:15 1h25min
Time Zone: Copenhagen is 7 hours ahead of Texas time.

Jan. 5, 2006
Copenhagen (CPH) to London (LHR) 609 Miles (Last Flight on ATW 2005 ticket)
SK 501 Lv. 7:15 Arr. 8:20 2h5min
London (LHR) to Oporto (OPO) 808 miles (First Flight on ATW 2006 ticket)
TP 385 Lv. 13:40 Arr. 15:45 2h5min
Oporto (OPO) to Lisbon (LIS) 171 miles
TP 840 Lv. 17:00 Arr. 17.45 0h45min
Time Zone: Lisbon is 6 hours ahead of Texas time; 1 hour behind Danish time.

Jan. 7, 2006
Lisbon (LIS) to Rio de Janeiro (GIG) 1218 miles
TP 177 Lv. 9:50 Arr. 17:55 10h05min
Time Zone: Rio de Janeiro is 4 hours ahead of Texas time; 3 hours behind Danish time.
Notes: 1)My friend Merryl Leatherman from San Antonio will be flying into Rio de Janeiro on this same date and will be with me in Rio and in Iguazu Falls through Jan. 14. She will be my "space shuttle"--bringing me books to read that I have left with her and picking up my trash (novels I have read and want to keep, guide books from Asia that I have used and will not need again until after I am back in Texas, etc.) and returning it to San Antonio so that I do not have to carry it through Argentina and Chile. 2) A young Brazilian English teacher, Wesler, whom I met last year in Brazil, will be in Rio during the days we are there and will spend time with us seeing the sights.

Jan. 11, 2006
Rio de Janeiro (GIG) to Iguazu Falls (IGU) 337 miles
RG 2162 Lv. 11:30 Arr. 13:40 2h10min

Note: From Iguazu, I will travel overland to Cordoba, Argentina, where I visited last year. From there, I will spend the next 2 months traveling through central Argentina (below where I was last year) and central Chile before making my way back to Iguazu to continue my flights.
Time Zone: Argentina and Chile are 3 hours ahead to Texas time; 4 hours behind Danish time.

Mar. 7, 2006
Iguazu Falls (IGU) to Sao Paulo (GRU)[via Curitiba(CWB)] 560 miles
RG 2171 Lv. 610 Arr. 8:45
Sao Paulo (GRU) to Mexico City (MEX) 4623 miles
RG 8670 Lv. 10:30 Arr. 16:40 9h10min
Time Zone: Mexico City has the same time as Texas and is 7 hours behind Danish time.

Overland from Mexico City to San Antonio 698 miles arriving approximately Mar. 12.