Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kyushu Island

Thursday, May 15, 2008--Kumamoto (Continued)

While at the International Center, I asked one of the ladies to help me with some sites that were in Japanese only. I was still trying to get a reservation for Beppu for the weekend. She tried, but every place we checked was either full or it was too late to try to get a reservation over the computer. I went downstairs to relax and read some English language papers. Just as I got up to leave, the lady called to me. She telephoned one last place that we had not been able to reach on the computer, and they had a room! What a relief that was to know I would have a place to stay for the next two nights. Weekends in tourist areas are always busy in Japan.

I ate a steamed bun after that and wandered the downtown area. Then I went back to my room to get the two books I had finished. The International Center has a book exchange table, so I wanted to take them there. I was so tired, however, that I rested a while.

In the evening, I went back. I gave up my two books and picked out two more to take from their table. One is set in India, and the other is a funny book, I think. Will see if they are good. While there, I read Newsweek and watched the BBC news. Then I returned to my room totally exhausted from the day.

I discovered that my TV (and maybe some of the others) can get more channels than the local ones. However, it had been programmed to get only the local channels. I tried to figure out how to auto-program it for all channels, but it was in Japanese letters and I never could figure it out. I often find that I must reprogram TVs when I travel, since the English language channels have been deleted manually by other guests so they won`t have to pass them when changing channels.

Friday, May 16, 2008--Beppu

I took the train this morning at 8:30 for Beppu. It is across the island of Kyushu from Kamamoto. We went through the mountains and the woods on a 2-car train. It was a beautiful trip. Many older Japanese were in the train dressed in their hiking gear--floppy hats, vests, boots, etc. They got off at various sites in the mountains. The main stop up there is a place with several volcanoes. Many people hike to the rims of them. I would have enjoyed spending a couple of days in the mountains if I had more time. But....

When I arrived, the lady in the tourist office recommended a local restaurant. I went to it, since she said it is the best in town. I had the best lunch I have had since coming here. I had chicken tempura. It came with salad (a fistfull rather than just a tiny dab), some other vegetables, a bowl of rice, a bowl of soup, a dip of ice cream, and coffee for only $8. In the background was nice jazz. Two other diners were there. It is such a small place that it probably won`t seat more than 20 people.

I had only big bills, so I went to the International Tourist Office hear. One of the ladies walked me to the bank and helped me get smaller bills so I can take the bus. My ryokan is up into the hills, so I need to take a bus rather than walk the 4 km (2 1\2 miles). They have a comptuer here, so I am writing on it right now before going up the hill.

Beppu is known for its thermal baths. There are mud baths, sand baths, hot springs baths, saunas, etc. I will spend the rest of today and all of tomorrow relaxing and will go to the baths at my ryokan and to 2-3 others. Don`t know when I will be back on the computer, since I don`t know if my ryokan will have one. It is too far to come back to here to use this one.

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