Thursday, July 15, 2010

Great Day

Thursday, July 15, 2010--Buri Ram to Surin

I was up early this morning. I rushed to arrive at the bus station by 8:00, since I didn't know the schedule for buses to Surin. I arrived right at 8:00. I would have preferred arriving a few minutes later. Why? Because at 8:00 and 18:00 each day, the National Anthem is played throughout Thailand. Everyone is expected to stop what they are doing and stand still.  It just comes too often!  They also play it before every movie starts at the theaters.  But that is just one way they try to force patriotism here.  They also have a law making it illegal to say anything bad about the king.  Then, because no one says anything bad, they brag that everyone loves and respects the king!  How can they know for sure?  They live a bit in a fantasy world.  That may be why the government in power right now (put there under martial law) has no idea how serious the situation is in terms of its lack of underlying support by many people.  This is such a wonderful country, but it is becoming more like the South American dictatorships of the 1900s. Twice in the years I have been coming here, the army has exerted its power to control things the way they want them to be.  It is quite common for people here to admit that they do not have true democracy. 

Anyway, I didn't miss my bus because of the national anthem.  The hourly departure schedule is based on the half hour, so the next bus was at 8:30.  I caught it, paid only 35 Baht (a little over a dollar).  As we left Buri Ram, we passed a traffic circle with a wonderful statue of an elephant that I did not know existed or I would have gone there to get a photo of it.  (This is the area of Thailand known for its elephants.)   We were in Surin in a little over an hour.

I had written the White Elephant Resort yesterday to ask if they would have a room available for me, so I walked there directly from the bus station.   It was even better than I expected.  The room is bright and clean and has character with moldings around the ceiling, artwork on the walls, attractive furniture, etc.  The resort has an indoor pool.  The wi-fi is good.  I think I could just stay here until time for me to return home!!  Instead, I paid for 3 nights and will probably stay a fourth. 

I was surprised to learn that the owner of the resort is a Dane.  He is from Jylland, but lived in Copenhagen for years before moving here.  The website, if you co licked the link to it above, is in Danish along with English and Thai. 

HEAVY rain came about noon.  I just stayed inside and ate some nuts I had.  But it cleared soon afterward, so I walked to a major shopping area nearby.  I first went to Makro.  I have seen these in various cities, but I have never been to one mainly because they tend to be in suburban areas.  They are a British-based hypermarket selling everything in bulk somewhat like a Sam's Club without a membership fee.  It was interesting to look there, but I couldn't buy in bulk.  Instead, I went next door to Big C, one of a chain of large stores here.  I bought a Pepsi Max, some chips, and some cookies.

It rained again while I was at Big C.  It was still raining lightly as I returned to the room.  By the time I got there, it was 17:30.   I sat on my front porch for a while enjoying the cooler air.  Then I went across the street for dinner.  A woman at a home there had a setup with one table.  I had seen a westerner there eating earlier today.  She opened her pot to show me a nice thick yellow curry which she called puree. I bought a bowl that came with noodles in it.  She brought out a basket with bowls of chopped vegetables--leaves, an okra-like item, cucumbers, and pickled onions/greens and said to eat them with it.  It was SPICY!!  It was wonderful!!!!  It was the best Thai food I have had since arriving this time.  I asked if she would have something new tomorrow, and she said she would.  I'll be eating there every day I am here, I think.

I wandered through the neighborhood and found a couple of other places I will try while I am here, too.  I located the stores I might need while here.  I bought a large beer at one and brought it back to the room where I sat on the front porch again watching the sun set and the sliver of a moon rise while I drank it. 

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