Friday, July 29, 2016

Mika Heaven Tour--Live in Trieste

Thursday, July 28, 2016--Trieste, Italy

Our hotel is in a great location--right in the middle of a circle that includes the center of town, the bus/train stations, and the upscale shopping areas.  We started the day walking through some of the latter near us--small, mostly pedestrian streets lined with nice shops, cafes, theaters, etc.  One of the most interesting finds in this area was the Cafe San Marco which has been around 100 years and is quite elegant.  Since we will make a day trip tomorrow, today was our day to try to see everything else we had not yet seen here.

We next headed for the oldest part of town on the opposite side of the center.  It is an area with shorter, smaller buildings and much narrower streets.  There we found small shops including many that have not been remodeled for decades.

Although we hated doing it after sitting at a park watching parents and their children on the playground, we made the climb from the ancient town up the hill past the Arco di Ricardo to the Maggiore Church and the ruins of the Roman theater.  A brief thunderstorm passed as we were making the climb, but we were at a spot with a covered archway.  It was the only rain to affect us all day, and it cooled the temperatures greatly.

On the way back to "our" side of town, we went by the bus station and bought our tickets for our day trip to Piran tomorrow and to find out where to catch the bus both then and on Saturday when we head to Ljubljana.  Then we returned to the hotel for some rest.

In the evening we went out for more live entertainment.  First, we started at a small pizza near the hotel where there was a cabaret act that had a little too much Italian talking for us.  When they sang, the music was fun, though.

But the main show of the night was Mika on the large piazza in town.  He is a Lebanese-British young man who is popular all over Europe.  It was a ticketed performance, but we stood outside looking over a fence through a gauze curtain (with just as many people as were inside).  It was fun and interesting with a very excited crowd.  Click here for some of his videos.

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