Monday, July 11, 2016

Lazy Sunday

Sunday, July 10, 2016--Copenhagen

After being up so late cleaning after the party Saturday night, I slept in.  Grethe and I had a simple late breakfast of nice crusty and seeded bread rolls with cheeses and marmalade.  Then we just skipped lunch.

There were so many leftovers from the party, that Grethe invited our friend Claus to visit us for a late afternoon "early" dinner.  He arrived at 3:30, and we sat on the balcony in the sunshine visiting for about an hour.  Then we had more pork roast with potatoes which greater had cut into chunks and pan fried. 

Claus, who likes to attend concerts and visit art galleries and who takes extended trips to explore small areas shared some of his more recent experiences.  He has recently been to western Jutland in Denmark to explore some of the villages along the coast and told us about that trip.  Each winter, he makes a trip to Nice for at least a month makes daily outings to explore that area of southern France and western Italy.

We were so tired that we went to bed last night at 9:00 while everyone else in Copenhagen remained up to watch the Portuguese football (soccer) team defeat the French team in the European Cup finals for 2016.

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