Sunday, July 22, 2012

You Squash Um, We Wash Um!

Sunday, July 22, 2012--Pierre to Mitchell to Sioux Falls to Sioux City

I explored the South Dakota capitol building and downtown before leaving Pierre.  Unlike the one in Wyoming, the building in Pierre was open on a Sunday.  I walked inside.  A policeman was in an office to the side of the door and looked up to say hello.  I signed in at a register.  Then I wandered the building by myself with a printed guidebook.  It was amazing that I could go through the whole building on my own.

I wonder if the South Dakota and Montana capitol buildings had the same architect, since they share some similar features--stained glass in the dome, stained glass in the ceiling of the Senate chamber, and a curved, galleria-style stained glass ceiling over the main stairwell.  The stained glass in the Montana building was more beautiful, but the other decorative features of the South Dakota building were more elaborate.  (I took a photo of a fascinating polished brass drinking fountain inside a marble niche.)  Also, the South Dakota building seems to be larger. 

Pierre is the smallest of the cities that serve as capital cities, I believe.  It's metropolitan area has fewer than 20,000 people.  It is really a small town that just happens to have a government center on the north side.  The downtown is very small.  It goes about two blocks and has only simple shops.  Most shopping is done at Walmart.  It has no university, but instead has only a university center in one building where classes can be taken.  It would be difficult living there, I think, since it is so far (about 1 1/2 to 2 hours) from anywhere larger.

I took a scenic route out of Pierre which followed a lake formed on the Missouri River.  As I crossed the bridge going west, I saw a sign indicating I was entering the Mountain Time Zone, so I had only entered Central Time last night by crossing that bridge and going about 5 blocks to my hotel.  This road went through a large area of Sioux Indian reservation land.  

As I approached Sioux Falls, there was an air show taking place.  I first saw a plane do a complete loop.  Then I saw several planes flying in formation and splitting up at points.  It was probably the Thunderbirds or the Blue Angels.  I continued seeing them as I drove through the center of the city.

In Sioux Falls, I exited to visit the zoo which has a reciprocal agreement with the one in San Antonio.  The zoo itself is rather small, and many of the animals were hidden from view because of the heat (over 100 degrees).  However, the zoo is combined with a natural history museum that has stuffed animals arranged by habitat--African savanna, Rocky Mountains, Artic Region, etc.  That makes it possible for people to see animals which the zoo cannot afford to have on show in live exhibits.  They even had a Giant Panda!!  There was a note saying that the government of China had donated it.  This is a great idea that other zoos should copy, especially since many animals are rare and may be impossible to acquire alive.  But as they die in other zoos or in the wild, the bodies could be sent to zoos to put on display for perpetuity with no feeding or medical costs.

I'm staying in south Sioux City so that I can get a good start for Omaha tomorrow.  It is about 1 1/2 hours away, and I have an appointment to get my Lexus serviced there tomorrow at 11:40.  My car is so dirty that I searched for a car wash.  There was only one near my hotel, and it was closed.  I'm now in the plains with lots of corn and wheat crops which means lots of bugs in the area.  The local car wash sign said, "You squash um, we'll wash um."  After getting the car serviced, I can slow down some and not drive so much each day.  However, the plains is an area of excessive heat, so I don't know how much I will be able to enjoy.

Steps Walked:  9129
Miles Driven:  328

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