Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Feeling Ready to Return Home

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014--Yerevan, Armenia

I haven't had a chance to do everything I would have liked to have done here in Armenia, but I find myself ready to return home anyway.  If I had not had the flight delays, I would have had about 4 more days here.  With those days, I would have taken day-long side trips to other parts of the country.  The fact that I have not seen those places will seem strange to anyone who knows I have come this far.  Yerevan is not the reason normally for visiting this country.  But I have enjoyed the city and I just haven't had the motivation to rush to make a day trip or two within my 4 days here.

Today, I did very little.  I was tired and felt a bit grouchy.  I did go out in the morning looking for the stop for an airport bus that should have passed by the Opera House.  I could not find it, and from what I was told the bus may not exist anymore.  There is definitely a bus that leaves from the suburban area where I walked yesterday (the place that used to have a large department store), so I guess I will head to the airport from there--the metro to there, and then the bus from there.  I will probably go investigate it tomorrow morning to make sure there will be no hangups when I try to make the trip tomorrow evening.

I also went back to the supermarket this afternoon.  I bought a large cabbage roll from the deli to eat for dinner tonight.  I also got some potatoes to cook and a chicken croquette to have late tomorrow afternoon before I leave.  I've just cooked the potatoes and have steamed the cabbage roll for my dinner tonight.  I'll eat them as soon as I finish this entry.

Most of the afternoon, I stayed inside reading.  I finished The Conversion by Joseph Olshan.  I've read at least one of his other books (Nightswimmer), and it was good.  So was this one eventually.  I was turned off at first by writing that seemed to be pretentious to me--trying to impress me with the knowledge the author has and his sophistication.  But soon that was decreased and the story became interesting.  I gave the book 3 1/2 stars out of 4--maybe a bit high, but 3 seemed too low.

Tomorrow night, I will go to the airport to await my very-early-in-the-morning flight.  I've read there will be free wi-fi there, so I should be able to make my entry while at the airport.  If not, I'll type it into the word processor and enter it somewhere along the way where I can fine free wi-fi.  Right now, the idea of that warm cabbage roll has me drooling!!!!

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