Saturday, May 10, 2014

Traveling to Boise

Saturday, May 10, 2014--San Antonio to Denver to San Francisco to Boise

Wes and I are on another short vacation.  We flew to Boise today in 3 segments, because we could get free tickets using our frequent flier points that way.  We will make a loop trip through Idaho, eastern Washington and western Montana.  It was a long day for traveling today, and it will be a long day when we return to San Antonio on May 24.  But it's an inexpensive vacation!!

Our only real hassle with the travel today related to a delayed departure from San Antonio.  The plane had arrived late last night due to thunderstorm delays, and the law prevented the crew from working again for a given number of hours.  Therefore, we departed this morning about 50 minutes later than scheduled.  When we got to Denver, we only had 25 minutes to change planes--20 minutes by the time we got off the first plane.  We were at Gate 18 at the very end of Terminal C in Denver, and we had to get to Gate 42 which was about 2/3 of the way toward the other end of Terminal C.  We combined running and the use of the moving sidewalks (also while running) and got to our other plan just 5 minutes before they closed the door for the flight.

The size of the Boise airport was a surprise.  The Boise metropolitan area is about the same size as Corpus Christi's, yet the airport here is maybe 4 times the size of the Corpus Christi airport and has 4 times the number of enplanements (passengers traveling out) each year.

It was about 19:30 by the time we checked into our hotel here in Boise.  It's just across the expressway from the airport (like half the other hotels in the city).  We drove downtown passing the Boise State University campus.  We drove up and down the downtown streets where there is lots of nightlife.  We went out Warm Springs Road which is lined with nice old homes and mansions.  Then we came back out Broadway which took us by the Boise State University Football Stadium.  That's all the exploring we felt like doing, because we were tired from getting up early and traveling all day.

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