Monday, May 14, 2018

Exploring Halifax

Monday, May 14, 2018--Halifax

After several days in a row with lots of traveling, today was one for slowing down a bit.  We took our time in the apartment and didn't leave until about 11:00.  We headed to Pleasant Point Park to hike.  It's a park on a peninsula downtown that was originally part of the protective battlements for Halifax.  In the middle of the park is the Prince of Wales Tower.  But it is a beautiful wooded park today with trails for walking.  It also provides great views of the seaway entering Halifax Harbor.

Driving toward downtown from there through neighborhoods filled with beautiful mansions, we parked our car near Dalhousie University.  We turned toward the waterfront and then explored the boardwalk the city has built along it.  There were interesting historical photos and information to read along the way as well as changing views of downtown.  One of the exhibits was about the disaster that destroyed much of Halifax during WWI when two ships, one carrying several tons of explosives, ran into each other.  Another was about the laying of the communications cables between Europe and North America which allowed telegraphing and eventually telephoning.  But the boardwalk is mostly lined with just kiosks selling things.  The property would be much better used as an area of new development for housing and for a linear park.

Downtown, we climbed to the Fortress, the main military defense site for Old Halifax.  It is a typical star-shaped defensive design on top of a hill overlooking the city and the waterfront.  Then we headed back to the apartment to relax since tomorrow will be another travel day.

The sun has been out every day of our trip so far.  One day we were traveling through Maine, there were clouds for much of the day and a little bit of drizzle.  But then the sun came out again.  It's amazing that we are having such good weather.  The last couple of days we have just worn shirts and pants and ignored our sweaters and coats except when we get near a waterfront.

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