Monday, September 19, 2016

A Lazy Day

Sunday, September 18, 2016--Athens

I felt lazy today.  I just didn't want to push myself, so I took a day of vacation from my vacation.  I had a long, slow, late breakfast.  Then I stayed in my room most of the day.  I read, I re-packed my suitcase, I watched BBC news, etc. Then  went out about 18:00 to the neighborhood square I found yesterday, bought myself a gyro, and sat on a bench eating it.

I met a young man (probably late 30s) named Chris.  We sat and visited for about 1 1/2 hours.  He is currently a barrista (making coffee in a cafe), but he is involved in and has ambitions for producing music--the computerized aspect of making the sound better after a recording has been made and before releasing it.  We talked about travel, about the Greek economy, etc.  It was nice to relax and have a good conversation with an interesting person.

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